Sunday, March 21, 2010


Talk about the rugby, I thought about an old film , the chief actor, crazy, is an American football player.As we all know, American football and rugby are look similar. For starters, both sports are played on a field that is roughly 120 yards (110 meters) long and 54-60 yards (51-55 meters) wide, with the rugby field being slightly wider. Across the field, there are lines painted to indicate the different zones. These lines are about ten yards apart from each other. In American football, there is a line to mark the goal zone, which starts near the goal posts. In rugby, this is called the "try-line." In rugby, the scoring zone ends at the goal posts. If the player goes beyond, the ball is out. The goal posts are similar in both sports and consist of two vertical posts with a crossbar connecting them. Rugby league teams consist of 13 players who both attack and defend at any given time; American football teams have 11 players with very specific roles. The difference between both sports is in the scoring. Rugby league players must touch the ball to the field, called a "try," to score (four points), while players of American football can simply cross the end-zone line to get a "touchdown" (six points). Kicks over the goal posts are awarded after a touchdown or try in both sports, but they are worth double in rugby. Also, because touchdowns are so difficult to achieve, players of American football often try to score a field goal rather than risk losing the ball to the opponents. In rugby, however, a field goal, or "dropped goal," is only worth one point, so most teams cannot afford to spend time on trying to score one.


As we all now, western countries have a complete welfare system, Britain is no exception. Through the video which were watched in the class, we know the UK government supply many services for their residents, like medical advice, health advice, careers direct and so on.And I found China is also reference those welfare to satisfier their residents. For example, there are more and more clinics appeared in the community, they can deal with some simple disease and do some preventive work. It is a great solution to the difficult problem of the public medical care, and enables the public to the nearest medical care, timely medical care.


Education never fails to festinate human beings. With the development of society, it becomes the most important part of a society. As an old Chinese saying “Education must start with children”, it shows how important the education is. Due to there is a situation that is the competition during the people, so Chinese education seems rather special.In China, when the babies was 2 years old, their parents may sent them to the early learning class, using simple way to teach children speak, walk and distinguish objects. Parents are always worried about their children lose at the starting line. This is a bit difficult to imagine in the UK, because the most people hold childhood should be full of fun, study is the responsibility when they grow up. Therefore, many foreigners in China could understand why there are so many home works should to do in a child. There are enough reasons for me to believe that this situation because of the differences between Chinese and western culture.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I like Chinese food

Actually, I donot like British food. At first glance, British food and Chinese food looked totally different, especially the taste.

When I first time to have lunch at school canteen, I found choose to few. Only some hamburgers with beef of chips, bacon with bean, chicken with mushroom or self-salad something like else. Most of them are deep-fried foods and stew, sometimes you need to salty them by yourself.

In China, lunch is the most important meal in the three meals a day, typically, it would be very rich sense. You can see a lot of dishes to choose from Chineses university canteen. The students would have a bowl of rice and two dishes for their lunch. And Chinese food are more meticulous and cooking techniques, so they all smell and taste good, especially doesnot have to re-add the seasoning.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


In this class, I know some tradditions of Christmas. For example, people will put a star of an angel on the top of the Christmas tree. It means there is a new born baby on the family, and people see that symbol will take presents to cerebrate. People will put candles around the tree, but today they change it to electric light. Beacause it is more safe. When people after eating turkey, they will eat sonme snacks like Christmas pudding or mince pies.

When the Christmas coming, I want send a Christmas card to you, Jeanette, thank you for your teaching.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP is the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The responsibilities:

  • bear overall responsibility for all Departmental issues.

  • represent the UK at the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council and at the EU Environment Council.

  • lobby for the UK in other international negotiations on sustainable development and climate change.

The Rt Hon Lord Adonis is the Secretary of State for Transport. His responsibilities are make the transport and the enverionment more safe.

The Rt Hon David Miliband MP is the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs is 'Foreign Secretary', who is the minister in charge of Britain's relations with the outside world. The department is called the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. His responsibilities are relations with foreign countries, matters pertaining to the Commonwealth of Nations and the UK's overseas terriories and the promotion of British interests abroad.

The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP is the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions . The responsible for the Department for work and pensions.

The Rt Hon Bob Ainsworth MP is the Secretary of State for Defence Home. The responsible for senior United Kingdom government minster in charge of the Ministry of Defence, chairing the Defence Council. It is a Cabinet position.

The Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP is the Secretary for the Home Office. The responsible for internal affairs within England and Wales, and for immigration and citizenship for the whole of the United Kingdom

The Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP is the Secretary of State for Health. The responsible for the Department of Health. Provide medical insurance for the people.

The Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP is the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who is the head of the Treasury. The another name is Minister of Finance. The responsible responsible for all economic and financial matters.

What are the Prime Minister's responsibilities?

The Prime Minister himself does not have any departmental responsibilities. Therefore, he can control the Cabinet Office. The strength of the PM's power of apparent is 'cabinet reshuffle'. He can change the cabinet members at least once every two years, let some members out or chang them work.

By controlling influential committees, the Prime Minister can also ensure that he drives the policies of these committees.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Thursday, we went to the Senedd which is the Welsh Assembly building,located in the cardiff bay.
The docent told us the Welsh Assembly Government is working to help improve the lives of people in Wales and make our nation a better place in which to live and work. The Senedd was designed by Richard Rogers. The roof is not similar with the traditional roof, it looks like the waves of the sea. It is said that easily to collect the rainwater, and let them flush the toilets in the building. The whole building have not air-conditioning, when the summer coming, the top of the glass windows will be open, the sea wind will get the fresh sea wind into the building. In the winter, water is pumped through pipes which were drilled 100m below ground and heated to 14℃ by geothermal energy. The hot water is pumped back up to the slate floor to warm the building temperature. Every year, it can save 50% energy fee.

During the docent was talked about the debating chamber time, a assembly member came to introduce them daily work, when the questions time, a student asked whether reduce our international student tuition fee, and the assembly member smiled said the education is a topic of their discuss.

When we visited after the Senedd, we walked along the sea, the sunset irradiated on our shoulder, I told myself, even after two years I will leave here, the memory will never disappear. The cardiff and my whole university life will always in my mind.